Name, Legal Form, Registered Office
§ 1
An association called “Stowarzyszenie Lakiernictwa Przemysłowego”, hereinafter referred to as the Association, operates under the Act of 7 April 1989 – Law on Associations (Journal of Laws of 2001, No. 79, item 855, as amended), the Act of 24 April 2003 on Public Benefit and Volunteer Work (Journal of Laws of 2010, No. 234, item 1536, as amended) and the provisions of this Constitution.
§ 2
The Association has legal personality, and its activity is based on the voluntary work of its members. The Association may employ workers to handle its matters.
§ 3
The Association has its registered office in Stara Iwiczna.
§ 4
- The Association operates in the territory of the Republic of Poland and abroad pursuant to local regulations.
- The Association can establish field units (branches) and sections (clubs) as provided for in the Constitution.
§ 5
- The Association can be a member of national and international organisations of an identical or similar profile.
- A decision to join or leave organisations referred to in sec. 1 shall be taken by the General Meeting of Members.
- In order to achieve its statutory purposes, the Association can undertake, develop, and support local initiatives and cluster initiatives, and become involved in such initiatives, and it can initiate, develop, and conclude community agreements.
4. The Association can initiate, develop, and enter into strategic alliances for education, research, and social studies and activity.
§ 6
- The Association uses the marking and the stamp called “Stowarzyszenie Lakiernictwa Przemysłowego” pursuant to applicable regulations.
- When contacting foreign units, the Association can use an English name: Association of Industrial Coating.
Purpose of the Association and the Means of Operation
§ 7
The Association is a voluntary self-governing union established in order to:
- Make it easier to share information, experience, and ideas between the Association members,
- Popularise industrial coating and knowledge of it,
- Represent the Association’s interests and matters being the objects of the Association’s activity before national and local authorities as well as government and social organisations and institutions,
- Support and inspire studies and analyses aimed at presenting new techniques, opportunities, and methods in the area of industrial coating and information dissemination,
- Strive towards the creation of a forum where representatives of the Industrial Coating industry can meet in order to discuss common problems of the whole industry,
- Offer a common platform enabling cooperation between representatives of the Industrial Coating industry,
- Act for the development and maintenance of the prestige of the Industrial Coating industry and act on its behalf in response to any restrictions concerning industrial coating, including environmental protection, or to any unjustified attacks on the industry,
- Support initiatives, campaigns, and research undertaken in the area of industrial coating and its environmental impact,
- Develop and support regional and supraregional initiatives aimed at environmental protection,
- Share experiences with other organisations that have identical goals.
§ 8
The Association’s purposes are achieved through:
a) Maintaining contact with national and local government bodies as well as national institutions and trade self-governing bodies,
b) Expressing opinion and taking a stand on matters concerning industrial coating in relation to environmental protection,
c) Organising all kinds of meetings and joint undertakings connected with issues having an influence on industrial coating and environmental protection, whenever the Association deems it necessary,
d) Organising conferences, symposia, and training courses,
e) Initiating, organising, conducting, and funding social, promotional, and information campaigns,
f) Developing, implementing, promoting, supporting, and funding technical and organisational solutions aimed at the achievement of statutory purposes,
g) Initiating, developing, and supporting (self-)help and (self-)activation groups and their networks,
h) Disseminating system solutions developed,
i) Initiating, creating, conducting, supporting, and funding information centres,
j) Promoting cooperation between universities and other research units and organisations of research units,
k) Funding grants,
l) Initiating, organising, conducting, supporting, and funding research and development projects,
m) Initiating, organising, participating in, supporting, and funding initiatives for regional development, local units and communities, including those for the development of micro, small, and medium enterprises,
n) Winning over organisations, legal persons, and natural persons supporting the Association,
o) Cooperating with enterprises and organisations of enterprises,
p) Initiating, organising, maintaining, supporting, and financing cooperation and relationships between research units and enterprises,
q) Initiating, organising, participating in, supporting, and funding the technology transfer,
r) Cooperating in the achievement of statutory purposes with national organisations (including in particular: public and local administration sectors, business environment units) and foreign organisations,
s) Putting forward legislative initiatives and undertaking social participatory activity,
t) Participating in public consultation processes,
u) Undertaking any other activity necessary for the achievement of the Association’s purposes.
§ 9
1. Members of the Association can be natural and legal persons. A legal person can only be a contributing member of the Association.
2. The Association has ordinary, contributing, and honorary members.
§ 10
- An ordinary member of the Association can be any natural person:
a) Conducting a business the main object of which is production, trade, or provision of services in industries connected with industrial coating,
b) Holding a managerial position in an enterprises the basic object of activity of which is production, trade, or provision of services in industries connected with industrial coating. Moreover, such a person should be recommended by at least two ordinary members of the Association or one contributing member, or the Board of the Association.
- A contributing member of the Association can be a national or foreign natural or legal person who has obliged themselves to support the Association in the achievement of its statutory purposes and interests of the Industrial Coating industry, and who has been recommended by at least two ordinary members or the Board of the Association.
- A honorary member of the Association can be a national or foreign natural or legal person having expert knowledge and experience related to the statutory purposes of the Association, as listed in §7 of this Constitution. Admitting a given person as a honorary member of the Association requires a resolution of the General Meeting of Members. Each ordinary member of the Association can propose a person as a honorary member.
§ 11
Ordinary members of the Association can be both Polish citizens and foreigners without residence in the territory of the Republic of Poland.
§ 12
Founders become ordinary members of the Association as of the date of its registration.
§ 13
Until the date of registration, founders are represented by a three-person Founding Committee that undertakes activity related to:
- Handling all matters connected with the acquiring of legal personality by the Association, including in particular registration in the National Court Register,
- Addressing authorities, institutions, organisations, and entrepreneurs in matters related to the activity of the future Association.
§ 14
- An application for admittance as an ordinary or contributing member of the Association is submitted to the Board as a written declaration including the recommendation referred to in § 10 sec. 1 and 2 of this Constitution.
- The Board, by way of resolution, takes a decision about granting the applicant the status of a candidate for the Association and presenting the General Meeting of Members of the Association with a motion to admit the candidate as a member of the Association.
§ 15
- Membership is granted based on a resolution of the General Meeting of Members of the Association.
- In case the resolution adopted refuses to grant such membership, an application for admittance as a member can be submitted again after the circumstances justifying the refusal have changed.
- The General Meeting of Members of the Association vote on the admittance of a candidate as the Association’s member in the absence of the candidate.
§ 16
Membership can be lost through:
- Resignation of an ordinary, honorary or contributing member from their membership in the Association upon written notice, as provided for in sec. 6 below,
- Death of an ordinary, honorary or contributing member,
- Loss of legal personality in the case of a contributing member,
- Deletion from the list of members due to one of the following reasons:
a) Delay in the payment of the membership fee exceeding three months upon the Association’s request for the payment of the fee for the given year;
b) The member’s gross breach of the provisions of this Constitution and resolutions of the Association’s bodies, and a situation when the member’s conduct violates the applicable Polish law or could damage the Association’s good name and reputation,
- Deletion of a member from the list of members in case they cease to hold the managerial position held when they were admitted as a member of the Association in an enterprise referred to in § 10 sec. 1 letter b), unless such an ordinary member of the Association holds a managerial position in a different enterprise referred to in § 10 sec. 1 letter b), being a contributing member of the Association.
- Notices about resignation from membership in the Association are submitted in writing, effective as of the date indicated in the notice.
§ 17
The rights of the Association’s members, depending on the type of membership, and candidates for the Association shall be as follows:
- Ordinary members have the right to:
a) Take part in undertakings organised by the Association,
b) Use the Association’s name and logo,
c) Use the Association’s information sources and documentation,
d) Use the Association’s assets purchased for the common use of its members,
e) Use other aid and services of the Association,
f) Vote during the General Meeting of Members and decide about the Association’s matters,
g) Vote and stand for election to the Association’s bodies,
h) Support the Association’s goals and undertakings,
i) Take active part in the Association’s operations.
- Contributing members have the right to:
a) Take part in undertakings organised by the Association,
b) Use the Association’s name and logo,
c) Use the Association’s information sources and documentation,
d) Use the Association’s assets purchased for the common use of its members,
e) Use other aid and services of the Association,
f) Take part in the General Meeting in an advisory capacity, offering advice in the course of the meeting or in writing for the record; such advice can be provided by a person holding a valid authorisation,
g) Support the Association’s goals and undertakings,
h) Take active part in the Association’s operations.
- Honorary members have the right to:
a) Take part in undertakings organised by the Association, subject to restrictions provided for in the resolution of the Board,
b) Use the Association’s name and logo,
c) Use the Association’s information sources and documentation, subject to restrictions provided for in the resolution of the Board,
d) Use the Association’s assets purchased for the common use of its members, subject to restrictions provided for in the resolution of the Board,
e) Use other aid and services of the Association, subject to restrictions provided for in the resolution of the Board,
f) Take part in the General Meeting in an advisory capacity, offering advice in the course of the meeting or in writing for the record,
g) Support the Association’s goals and undertakings,
h) Take active part in the Association’s operations, subject to restrictions provided for in the resolution of the Board,
i) Hold the position of the Supervisory Board member.
- Candidates for the Association have the right to:
a) Take part in undertakings organised by the Association, subject to restrictions provided for in the resolution of the Board,
b) Use the Association’s information sources and documentation, subject to restrictions provided for in the resolution of the Board,
c) Use the Association’s assets purchased for the common use of its members, subject to restrictions provided for in the resolution of the Board,
d) Use other aid and services of the Association, subject to restrictions provided for in the resolution of the Board,
e) Support the Association’s goals and undertakings,
f) Take active part in the Association’s operations, subject to restrictions provided for in the resolution of the Board.
§ 18
Ordinary, honorary, and contributing members as well as candidates for members of the Association are obliged to:
- Observe the provisions of the Constitution and resolutions of the Association’s bodies,
- Undertake no activities contrary to the Association’s purposes,
- Uphold the good name of the Association,
- Ensure constant development of their professional skills and the skills of their subordinates from the Industrial Coating industry,
- Ensure active participation of their subordinates from the Industrial Coating industry in the work of organisations related to the industrial coating environment as well as the natural environment.
§ 19
None of the members or candidates for members of the Association can publish, reveal, or otherwise use for the purpose of other units the information obtained in connection with the Association, which has not been made available to the public by persons authorised in this respect, and which is the secret of the Association. The Association’s secrets shall mostly include:
a) Information, documents, and other materials concerning the Association,
b) All kinds of information, materials, and designs developed in relation to the achievement of the Association’s purposes,
c) Any information or materials concerning individual members of the Association, revealed to the Association as confidential.
§ 20
1. Neither members nor candidates for members of the Association are allowed to make any public announcements on behalf of the Association or to disseminate any opinions or views in such a way that they could be ascribed to the Association.
2. Any announcement or opinion expressed publicly on behalf of the Association requires express authorisation from the Board of the Association.
3. In the case of any reservations about the operations of the Association or its bodies, members of the Association should strive after resolving problems through a discussion with other members and providing adequate statutory bodies with conclusions.
4. Members and candidates for members of the Association should respect the decisions of the Association’s bodies and under no circumstances should they question them publicly.
§ 21
Any breach of the provisions of § 19 or § 20 of this Constitution by a member of the Association shall be the basis for deleting this member from the list of members of the Association, while in the case of a candidate for a member for deleting them from the list of candidates.
§ 22
- Ordinary and contributing members are also obliged to regularly pay fees as determined by the Board.
- Honorary members are exempt from the obligation to pay membership fees.
Association Authorities
§ 23
The Authorities of the Association include:
- The General Meeting of Members,
- The Board,
- The Supervisory Board.
§ 24
The General Meeting of Members is the highest authority of the Association.
§ 25
- The Ordinary General Meeting of Members is convened by the Board at least once a year.
- In extraordinary cases, the Board shall convene the Extraordinary General Meeting of Members.
- Furthermore, the Board is obliged to convene the Extraordinary General Meeting of Members if one fifth of ordinary members request this.
- The Supervisory Board has the right to convene an Ordinary General Meeting of Members if the Board does not convene it within the time provided for in this Constitution, and an Extraordinary General Meeting of Members if it deems necessary to convene it and the Board has failed to convene it within two weeks upon submitting an adequate request by the Supervisory Board or members, as provided for in sec. 3.
- Members shall be notified of the date of each General Meeting of Members at least two weeks before the date of the Meeting in writing or via electronic mail to the address provided to the Association by a given member. Together with the notification, members shall receive a detailed agenda of the Meeting and draft resolutions to be adopted during the Meeting.
§ 26
The powers of the General Meeting of Members include:
- Shaping the policy of the Association, and in particular the action plan and the budget of the Association,
- Approving financial statements, balance sheets, and loss and profit accounts,
- Selecting the bodies of the Association, except for the first Board and the first Supervisory Board, which are appointed by the Meeting of the Founders of the Association,
- Dismissing members of the Association’s bodies,
- Acknowledging the fulfilment of duties by members of the Board and of the Supervisory Board,
- Admitting candidates as members of the Association and deleting members of the Association from the list of members in cases provided for in § 16 sec. 4 letter b) of this Constitution,
- Shaping opinions and views of the Association to be disseminated,
- Taking decisions about the Association’s joining or leaving national and international organisations,
- Adopting resolutions on amendments to the Constitution,
- Adopting resolutions on the dissolution of the Association and the mode of its liquidation.
§ 27
- Unless otherwise provided in this Constitution, resolutions of the General Meeting of Members are adopted by a simple majority of votes, with at least a half of ordinary members present.
- If during a General Meeting of Members it is impossible to adopt an important resolution as provided for in sec. 1 above due to lack of a quorum, then during the following General Meeting of Members convened in order to adopt resolutions from the previous agenda the quorum of at least a half of ordinary members shall not apply.
§ 28
- Each ordinary member has one vote during the General Meeting of Members.
- Ordinary members can participate in the General Meeting of Members and exercise their right to vote in person or by proxy.
§ 29
Also honorary and contributing members can participate in the General Meeting of Members in an advisory capacity.
§ 30
The General Meeting of Members can only adopt resolutions in matters covered by an agenda included in the notification, while in other matters only with consent of all ordinary members present, in case at least two thirds of all ordinary members are present.
§ 31
- If all ordinary members are present at a General Meeting of Members, then it can adopt resolutions without being formally convened as long as all ordinary members give their consent to hold a General Meeting and examine individual matters.
- Resolutions of the General Meeting of Members can also be adopted by post, via electronic mail (email) or with the use of other means of distance communication (in a form of a teleconference), except for a resolution on the dissolution of the Association and matters in relation to which secret voting was reserved.
- Votes cast by post or electronic mail (email) shall be deemed valid if they are delivered to the Association (to the Association’s registered office or the Association’s email address respectively) with the resolution attached between the day the Board announces the date, place and agenda of the General Meeting and the beginning of the General Meeting.
- Votes cast with the use of means of distance communication (in a form of a teleconference) are valid in case the Association’s members cast them in real time during a General Meeting, being able to hear other persons participating in the General Meeting and being heard by them.
§ 32
The General Meeting of Members is chaired by the President or a different Board Member, or a different member of the Association appointed for this purpose by the General Meeting.
§ 33
- Resolutions of the General Meeting of Members are adopted in an open voting.
- Resolutions on the appointment or dismissal of the Board or the Supervisory Board of the Association or individual members of these bodies, on the acknowledgment of the fulfilment of duties by members of the Board of the Association, and on other matters following the request of at least 5 ordinary members of the Association are adopted in a secret voting.
§ 34
- Minutes are taken of the General Meeting, including in particular the date and place of the meeting, its agenda, the contents of individual resolutions, and the number of votes cast in favour of them. The chairperson of the General Meeting signs the minutes and attaches to them the list of names of all members of the Association present, with their signatures or the signatures of their proxies, or notes of a vote by post, via electronic mail or with the use of other means of distance communication.
- A transcript of the minutes referred to above shall be immediately sent by the President of the Board to all members of the Association not present during the General Meeting (including those casting their votes by post, with the use of means of distance communication or via electronic mail).
§ 35
- The Board of the Association is appointed to manage all operations of the Association, implement the resolutions of the General Meeting of Members of the Association, and represent the Association before third parties.
- The Board of the Association consists of 3 persons: the President and two Board Members.
- Board Members are appointed for an indefinite period of time, and their terms do not end when an Ordinary General Meeting of Members is held. The term of a Board Member only ends when the Board Member is removed from their position, and in the case of their resignation or death.
- The President manages the work of the Board of the Association and performs tasks reserved to them in the Constitution.
- Each Member of the Board of the Association is independently authorised to conclude agreements, grant power of attorney, and make other declarations concerning the rights and obligations of the Association.
- Board meetings are convened by the President when necessary, however, not less frequently than once every three months. Minutes of the Board meetings are taken.
- Resolutions of the Board are adopted by a simple majority of votes of those present.
- The tasks of the Board include:
a) Pursuing the goals of the Association,
b) Organising and coordinating the ongoing operations of the Association,
c) Preparing General Meetings of Members of the Association,
d) Implementing the resolutions of the General Meeting of Members of the Association,
e) Approving action plans and the budget of the Association,
f) Preparing balance sheets and loss and profit accounts of the Association,
g) Managing the Association’s assets,
h) Representing the Association before third parties,
i) Convening the General Meeting of Members of the Association,
j) Presenting candidates for ordinary and contributing members of the Association to the General Meeting of Members,
k) Deleting members of the Association in cases provided for in § 16 sec. 1, 2, 3, 4a and 5 of this Constitution,
l) Collecting subscriptions and donations,
m) Determining the amount and the principles and method for the payment of membership fees,
n) Adopting resolutions on exempting individual members of the Association from the obligation to pay membership fees,
o) Submitting reports on the Board’s operations to the General Meeting of Members of the Association,
p) Developing the programme of the Association’s research activity,
q) Establishing field units – branches of the Association,
r) Determining the uniform text of an amended Constitution or introducing other editorial changes, as provided for in a resolution of the General Meeting of Members of the Association, upon receiving the authorisation of the General Meeting of Members,
s) Adopt resolutions on matters not reserved to the powers of other authorities of the Association.
§ 36
- The Supervisory Board of the Association is a collective body of internal control and supervision of the statutory, financial and business activity of the Association, separate from the Board of the Association, and not subordinate to the Board of the Association in terms of internal control and supervision.
- The Supervisory Board is appointed from among ordinary or honorary members of the Association and dismissed by the General Meeting of Members by resolution adopted by a simple majority of vote in a secret voting.
- The Supervisory Board of the Association carries out internal control of the Association at least once a year.
- The Supervisory Board of the Association consists of three persons: the President and two Members.
- Supervisory Board Members are appointed for an indefinite period of time, and their terms do not end when an Ordinary General Meeting of Members is held. The term of a Supervisory Board Member only ends when the Supervisory Board Member is removed from their position, and in the case of their resignation or death.
- Supervisory Board Members select the President from among them.
- Supervisory Board Members of the Association:
a) Cannot be Board Members of the Association or be related to them or be their subordinates,
b) Cannot be persons convicted by a court of law of wilful misconduct,
c) Pursuant to a resolution of the General Meeting of Members of the Association, can be reimbursed for reasonable costs incurred in relation to the position held in the Supervisory Board of the Association or receive remuneration provided for in the resolution.
7. The Supervisory Board of the Association has the right to:
a) Control the operations of the Association in all areas of its activity,
b) Request the Extraordinary General Meeting of Members of the Association to be convened,
c) Put forward a motion at the General Meeting of Members of the Association, calling for the acknowledgment of the fulfilment of duties by members of the Board of the Association,
d) Submit reports on the results of the examination of the Association’s financial statements drawn up in accordance with the accounting principles,
e) Select an expert auditor in order to examine the Association’s financial statement.
Field Units (Branches) and Sections (Clubs) of the Association
§ 37
- The Association can establish field units in the form of branches, with a scope of activity extending over one or several provinces. Branches of the Association can have legal personality.
- Branches are established by the Board of the Association on its own initiative or following the request of at least 5 members of the Association.
- When establishing a Branch, the Board determines the geographic scope of its operations and its registered office.
§ 38
- The authorities of a Branch of the Association include: the General Meeting of Members of the Branch, the Branch Board, and the Branch Supervisory Board.
- Provisions concerning the authorities (bodies) of the Association shall apply accordingly to the (authorities) bodies of a Branch.
§ 39
Branches are closed down by resolution of the Board of the Association in case:
a) The Branch ceases its actual operations,
b) The number of members falls down below the number required to establish it for more than 6 months,
c) The Branch Board puts forward a motion to close down the Branch.
§ 40
- A group of at least 5 Members of the Association can establish sections (clubs) for different specialisations of Industrial Coating.
- The establishment and liquidation of a section (club) requires a resolution of the General Meeting of Members.
§ 41
- Section (club) members can only be members of the Association.
- To the acquiring and losing membership in a section (club) the provisions concerning the acquiring and losing membership in the Association shall apply accordingly.
§ 42
- The authorities of a section (club) can be, pursuant to the rules and regulation of a section (club):
a) The General Meeting of a section (club),
a) The Board of a section (club).
- To the selection and operating procedures of different authorities of a section (club) provisions of the Statute concerning adequate authorities of the Association shall apply accordingly.
- A section (club) can adopt internal rules and regulations, subject to the approval of the Board of the Association.
- Neither the rules and regulations nor other acts of a section (club) can be contrary to the Constitution or any of the resolutions of the Association’s authorities. In case internal acts of a section (club) are deemed to contradict the Constitution or any of the resolutions of the Association’s authorities, they can be declared void by resolution of the General Meeting of Members.
Assets of the Association
§ 43
The Association’s assets comes from:
- Membership fees,
- Inheritance and donations,
- Income from the Association’s business operations,
- Income from the Association’s assets,
- Public and private subsidies and subventions,
- Public fundraising events.
§ 44
The Association can conduct a business. The income from this business of the Association shall be used for achieving statutory purposes and cannot be divided among its members.
§ 45
The object of the Association’s business activity, according to the Polish Classification of Activities (PKD), includes:
a) 58.11.Z – book publishing,
b) 58.12.Z – publishing of directories and registers (e.g. street, phone directory),
c) 58.13.Z – publishing of newspapers,
d) 58.14.Z – publishing of journals and periodicals,
e) 58.19.Z – other publishing activities,
f) 59.11.Z – motion picture, video and television programme production activities,
g) 59.12.Z – motion picture, video and television programme post-production activities,
h) 59.14.Z – motion picture projection activities,
i) 58.29.Z – other software publishing,
j) 72.19.Z – other research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering,
k) 85.59.B – other out-of-school forms of education, not elsewhere classified,
l) 85.60.Z – educational support activities,
m) 94.11.Z – activities of commercial and employers organisations,
n) 94.12.Z – activities of professional organisations.
§ 46
The trading year is a calendar year. The first trading year ends on 31 December 2016.
§ 47
The Association’s liability is limited to the amount of its assets. Members of the Association are not personally liable for the obligations of the Association.
Constitution Amendments and Dissolution of the Association
§ 48
- This Constitution can only be amended by resolution of the General Meeting of Members of the Association, adopted by a two-thirds majority of votes, with at least a half of members holding voting rights present.
- The General Meeting of Members of the Association can authorise the Board of the Association to determine the uniform text of an amended Constitution or introduce other editorial changes, as provided for in a resolution of the General Meeting of Members of the Association.
§ 49
- The Association is dissolved by resolution of the General Meeting of Members or in other cases provided for by law.
- A resolution on the dissolution of the Association is adopted by the General Meeting of Members of the Association by a three-fourths majority of votes of all members holding voting rights.
§ 50
Adopting a resolution on the dissolution of the Association, the General Meeting of Members of the Association shall determine the mode of its liquidation and takes a decision on the distribution of the Association’s assets in accordance with its statutory purposes.
Final Provisions
§ 51
To all matters not settled in this Constitution provisions of the Act of 7 April 1989 – Law on Associations (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2001, No. 79, item 855, as amended) and of the Act of 24 April 2003 on Public Benefit and Volunteer Work (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2010, No. 234, item 1536, as amended) shall apply.
This Constitution has been adopted by the Founders of the Association on 7 April 2016.