§ 1

  1. The regulations specifies the mode, dates, manner and conditions of membership fee payments in favour of The Association of Industrial Varnishing.
  2. Each time the regulations mention:
    a) Association – it shall be understood as the Association of Industrial Varnishing (SLP).
    b) The Board – it shall be understood as the Board of the Association of Industrial Varnishing.
    c) Fee-itshallbeunderstoodasthemembershipfee
    d) The Regulations – it shall be understood as the hereby REGULATIONS OF MEMBERSHIP FEE
  3. The Regulations is adopted by the Board of the Association.

§ 2

  1. Regular payment of membership fees is one of the basic statutory duties of the Association members.
  2. The fee amount is determined by the Board of the Association by means of a resolution.
  3. Documentation connected with membership fee payments is maintained by the Board of the Association.

§ 3

  1. There are the following types of membership fees:
    a) Membership fee of an ordinary member of the Association;
    b) Membership fee of a supportive member of the Association;
  2. Honorary members of the Association are exempt from payment of membership fees.
  3. Ordinary and supportive members of the Association of Industrial Varnishing are grouped as follows:
    b) Physical entities – individual members;
    c) Legal entities – institutional members, represented by their respective representatives.
  4. The membership fee is paid:
    a) For the whole year;
    b) In advance;
    c) In the period of until the end of January of each year by the ordinary and supportive member, institutional member and
    d) By individual members:
    • As one-off payment until the end of the first quarter of each year;
    Or in two instalments, payable:
    • first instalment, payable to the end of January each year;
    • second instalment, payable to the end of the second quarter of each year;
    e) Solely by a bank transfer to the bank account of the Association of Industrial Varnishing.
  5. Payment receipt is the document confirming the membership fee payment and it must contain at least the following information as the payment title:
    a) Name and surname or the name of the institutional member the membership fee refers to;
    b) The period for which such membership fee is incurred.
  6. In case the payer fails to indicate the data specified in point 4 and 5, allowing for identification of the member such membership fee payment refers to, the payment is left for clarification and the membership fee is deemed as unpaid until it has been clarified.

§ 4

  1. The amount of membership fees to be incurred by ordinary members for a year:
    a) Physical entities – individual members– 1.200,00 PLN,
    c) Legalentities-institutionalmembers:
    • Partnerships, persons conducting their own business – 2.400,00 PLN,
    • Limited liability companies and joint stock companies – 3.600,00 PLN.

§ 5

  1. The obligation of payment of annual fee at the full amount is attributable to the members who have been admitted to the Association until the 30th of June of a given calendar year.
  2. The members who have been admitted into the Association of Industrial Varnishing in the period from the 1st of July until the 31st of December shall pay half of the annual membership fee.
  3. Newly admitted members are obliged to incur their payment within 2 weeks since the date they have been notified about their admittance to the Association.

§ 6

  1. In extraordinary cases, the Association of Industrial Varnishing member can apply to the Board, upon a written request, to incur the payment in the period other than the period specified in the regulations or apply for the approval of incurring the payments in default in instalments.
  2. The Board shall make the decision, in the form of a resolution whether and on what grounds, such a request of the Association of Industrial Varnishing member is to be considered.
  3. Payment of the membership fee in another period or incurring the payment in default in instalments shall not constitute a waiver of any obligation of timely payment of current fees according to the provisions of the hereby regulations.

§ 7

  1. The records of membership fees of the Association of Industrial Varnishing are maintained by the Board of the Association as its statutory activity.
  2. Based upon the maintained records, the Board of the Association prepares lists of the Association members who have incurred their payments with indication of the period for which such payments have been incurred.
  3. The list template constitutes the attachment no 1 to the hereby Regulations.
  4. Any member has the right to request the Board to verify correctness of the records of fees of such member.
  5. The Board is obliged to response to any objections in the period of 1 months since the reporting date.
  6. In random events of a member having an impact on the membership fee payment possibility, the Board can adopt the resolution on suspension of the membership fee payment obligation.

§ 8

The amount of the membership fee for ordinary and supportive member of the Association of Industrial Varnishing is specified:

a) On annual basis;
b) By the Board and it is presented during the General Meeting of the Association members;
c) The General Meeting of the Association members, by means of a resolution, in open voting decides upon the fee amount for a given year.

§ 9

  1. Being in default with payment of fees, without any grounds, for the period exceeding 6 months, constitutes the basis for exclusion of the member from the Association by the Board.
  2. The member can appeal against the Board’s resolution on exclusion from the Association membership due to such member being in default with payment of fees to:
    a) TheGeneralMeetingoftheAssociationmembers;
    b) During set period of 14 days since delivery of the appropriate resolution;
    c) It is discussed during the next General Meeting of the Association members.
  3. The Resolution of the General Meeting of the Association members on appeal against the Board resolution on exclusion from the Association membership due to being in default with payment of fees is final.

§ 10

  1. The SLP member excluded from the Association can apply for its re-admission to SLP after it has paid all amounts in default which occurred until the date of such exclusion due to being in default with payment of fees.
  2. The condition for re-admission to SLP is payment of any amounts in default which occurred until the date of such exclusion due to being in default with payment of fees.

§ 11

  1. In the matters not provided for herein the Board, in line with valid legal regulations, statute and resolutions of the General Meeting of the Association members shall decide.
  2. The hereby Regulations enters into force upon the date of resolution adopted by the General Meeting of the Association members .
  3. The resolution on acceptance of the hereby Regulations was adopted on the ………………….